Setting Up A Linkedin Account

A Linkedin account is a service that allows you to put up your professional qualifications and experience. This results in either professional connections or business opportunities. To be able to access a free Linkedin login, all you would need is a computer or a mobile device that has a web browser, an Internet connection, and an existing email address.

The main benefit of having a Linkedin log in are that it can be accessed 24/7 in all web browsers and at the same time being able to display your professional capabilities.

Found below are the step by step procedures with screenshots, to assist you in getting your own Linkedin account.

• Go to a web browser program and open the Linkedin home page at

• Once the full page appears, you will see the Linkedin sign in page on picture number 1.

linkedin login

• It can occur that you could see someone else’s Linkedin account and not the Linkedin sign in page. When this occurs, sign out first and the reload the site. After trying that and you still cannot see the sign in page, delete the cache, cookies, and/or passwords of your web browser program or try refreshing the page on another web browser program.

• Fill in your First name, Last name, Email address, and Password, as indicated in picture number 2.

linkedin-sign in

• You have to guarantee that you have not used this email to sign up with Linkedin beforehand. Linkedin will check if the email was already used prior to your current visit. You will use this email to login to your Linkedin account.

• Unlike other online accounts, a Linkedin account is not any. For security and safety purposes, it requires a password, so that your private and/or sensitive information is meant only for you. Research on some tips and tricks on how to create strong passwords. These passwords must be very difficult to figure out. While you input your password in its field, the characters will be replaced by dots. Linkedin requires that passwords should have six or more characters.

• As soon as you have put in your password and clicked on the “Join now” button, you already have a Linkedin account. Give yourself a pat on the back!

linkedin sign in

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